1. Which of the following versions of you do you fantasize about the most? Me as... ..................................

2. An understanding friend says you can try on her clothes while she’s out at work. She leaves the house and you… .........................

3. Brad Pitt is… ..................................

4. I want my penis to… ..................................

5. How would you describe your thoughts during classic, hetero sex?

6. When you watch gay porn you… ..................................

7. My female alter ego is… ..................................

8. Sissy Hypno is… .................................. ..................................

9. Do you ever stroke your phantom vagina and breasts?

10. When I meet a successful, powerful woman, I want her to …............. ............................

11. Transitioning to live as a woman is… ..................................

12. Four beautiful women feminize you. Afterwards you want them to …..................................

13. I feel more comfortable with… ..................................

14. When I look at sissy maid dresses, I get... ..................................

15. After watching Justice League you wanted to... (last question)

The sissy quiz
..................... No, you're not. You're a Kinksurfer
I wouldn’t call you a fraud...but let’s face facts: you’re not a true sissy.
You’re a kinksurfer! - a hetero guy who likes pawing the edges of all this sissy stuff.
Click here for a more detailed explanation... https://novagirl.net/the-heterosexual-sissy/
..................... No, you're not. You're a Crossdreamer!
You’ve heard the Everly Brother’s song “Dream, dream, dream...” Well guess what...that’s your anthem because you ain’t no sissy...you’re a crossdreamer. (Click here for a more detailed explanation... https://novagirl.net/the-difference-between-a-crossdreamer-and-a-sissy/)
..................... No, you're not. You're a Sensual Submissive
Although submission is a common component of sissy fantasy, it is only one of several. Your answers indicate, however, that submission is the prime energy source of your sexuality. This makes you a sensual submissive.
Click here for a more detailed explanation... https://novagirl.net/sissy-subculture-and-masochism/
..................... No, you're not. You're a bit Left of Center
Okay, this might be a little difficult for you (or maybe not)... but have you considered the fact you might be gay? Or Bi? If the answer's 'yes' then that's surely something to celebrate...it's a hell of a lot easier explaining to friends and family that you're gay...rather than a sissy.
Click here for a more detailed Explanation! https://novagirl.net/sissy-or-gay-or-both
..................... No you're not. You're Transgender... I think!
This test is for fun, so please don’t proclaim yourself transgender because of the result. .....................
Saying that, your answers do show a tendency towards a transgender perspective. This means that your femininity is not just as a kink or a temporary state of mind, but a fundamental part of who you are. .....................
Therefore, we conclude that you are definitely not a sissy because both the linguistic origins of the word and sissy subculture make the protagonist of sissy fantasy a feminized boy – whereas you see yourself as a girl. .....................
However, this test is not scientific and the results maybe wrong, so just use it as food for thought. Ultimately, we got your attention by promising a label…but it’s more important that you think about your sexuality and gender in the interests of self knowledge. .....................
Wanna see all the possible results? Click here... https://novagirl.net/5-different-types-of-people-who-visit-this-site-sexual-profiling
..................... Absolutely. You're a total SissyKins!
Congratulations...you're a bona fide, 100% authentic sissy. .....................
However, lots of other people who did this test believe they are sissies… so why did you gain the esteemed title and they didn’t? What makes you a sissy? (Wish us luck! I’m sure we’ll get lots of angry e-mails about the following definition.) .....................
A sissy is a man whose sexuality has a strong feminine component. However, this part of his nature is not evident in his day to day life (and he can usually have regular heterosexual sex just fine). There’s a firewall around his femininity. .....................
Therefore, while in fantasy, a sissy may like to dress like a whore and suck fifty cocks (sorry, random example) the rest of the time he’s chillin’ in guy world. .....................
If there’s no firewall containing your femininity and you’re walking around town en-femme, or you are obviously feminine…then ‘sissy’ is not the term for you. We would argue that something further along the spectrum of sexuality /gender is more appropriate.
To conclude, please remember that this test is not remotely scientific and the results maybe wrong, so just use it as food for thought. Ultimately, we got your attention by promising a label…but that is not our prime interest… we want you to think about your sexuality in the interests of self knowledge. .....................
Wanna see all the possible results? CLICK HERE