How often do you cry because you wanna be a girl so much?
Do you sometimes walk into the lingerie section of department stores for the erotic buzz?
How many times a day do you experience girl-envy when you see a pretty girl?
Do you have a girl name?
Do you have conflicting moments when sometimes it seems entirely logical that you are a woman and others where it suddenly seems ridiculous?
Putting aside biology, which of the following roles do you think you’d be better at: Mother or Father?
How often do your sexual fantasies involve fetish fabrics such as latex, satin etc?
(Please don't try to second guess the test. Having a raging latex fetish doesn't invalidate your transgender impulses.)
How would you describe your testicles?
Does your sexual interest in femininity predate your transgender interest?
If you could be a woman but would not have access to fem clothing, cosmetics and silicone...would you still want to be a woman?
Which of these 3 things would you want the most if you could be reborn tomorrow?
Irrespective of what your family and friends think...are you really prepared to transition?
How do you feel about the fact that men are better paid than women?
What colour eyes does your ideal man have?
How much of your time thinking about being a woman is in a purely sexual context?
If you could live successfully as a woman - but hormones and surgeries would take 10 years off your life...would you still live as a woman?
How much of your day is spent obssessing over gender?
The idea of being a wife or girl-friend...
Do you like penetrating women?
Are you insecure about your manhood when it comes to satisfying a woman?
(This isn't just about penis size but your skills as a lover generally and your 'masculinity.'
How do you feel when friends and family start taking photos? (THIS IS THE LAST QUESTION...GET READY FOR THE RESULTS)
Is this all a fetish or am I transgender? (TEST)
Dear Friend,
Congratulations: you have a communal-garden feminization fetish, and can comfort yourself with the resultant label of being nothing greater or lesser than being... a little bit ‘kinky.’ In other words, you’re definitely not transgender…
....................................................................................................................................................... CAVEAT: However, e know from thousands of case studies that it’s possible to have a feminization ‘fetish’ in your teens and twenties … and then sometime in middle age the individual experiences a whopping gender crisis. Therefore, whatever the results now...the fact you have the fetish in the first place still means that you have the potential for a late onset transgender crisis ................................................................................................................
However, I don’t want to freak you out. Even if you do have a gender crisis it doesn’t mean you have to start transitioning. In fact, it can strengthen your understanding and appreciation of your masculinity ...........................................................................................................................................................
.............. Love Felix..........
Dear friend,
I’m embarrassed to say that the results of this test are inconclusive...and you seem to lie somewhere on the border between ‘fetish’ and ‘transgender.’
Considering this test was supposed to remove you from that border and answer the question definitively... I'l understand if you’re feeling insulted.
However, the entire point of the article that accompanies this test is to expose the 'fetish versus transgender question' as a completely invalid question (but don’t worry, we all ask the question, including me.). So please, read the article and then maybe you'll learn to think about this problem in a more positive way.
Love Felix.
Dear Friend ..........
Your answers show a consistent leaning towards a transgender perspective of the self and the world in which you live.
I can’t indicate which specific answers moved the needle decisively to transgender...all I can say is that the sum aggregate of your choices shows a clear, consistent leaning towards gender variance.
CAVEAT: However, bear in mind that transgender science is in its infancy and experts can not even agree on the meaning of the word ‘transgender’. This means that there is no hard scientific truth to these results. Furthermore, this is just a 21 question internet test so please don't stake your life on it. .... Hugs and love... and good luck on your journey....
......................................................................................................................................................Love Felix...
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