True Feminization is a training program created by Elle Mesen. It consists of 12 levels and three steps…



 1: SISSY PHASE: Erase all traces of the male within…



 2: GIRLY-GIRL PHASE: behavioral reconditioning and personality installation…



 3: BIMBO ESCORT PHASE: bimbofication of the body and escort training…




How is this different from other feminization programs?


True Feminization’s potent blend of psychological realism and female intuition make it far more sophisticated than the dull tropes of ‘sissy training’.

With its multiple dimensions (mental, physical and sexual)this program is far more complete and effective than its rivals.


How is the program administered?


Upon purchase, students receive their introductory pack. This comprises of three E-books along with a 150 page supplement of photos and visual aids.

From that point on, the course is administered directly by Mistress Elle via email and via your profile page on

Over the course of four weeks, all assignments and materials are sent individually. Therefore, you only receive your next assignment once you’ve finished the previous one.



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(By pressing ‘download’ you confirm that you are 18 years old or over. For discretion, the course is billed as an online course of creative writing.)

(NOTE: To maintain the integrity of this product, it is not possible to buy Levels 2 – 12 without level 1. This is because it is vital to understand Elle’s philosophy of enslavement (dealt with in level 1) in order to understand the way she reconditions sissies.)

Other Purchase Options

(By pressing ‘add to cart’ you confirm that you are 18 years old or over.)

Buy Level 01 – 06  

Buy Level 07 – 12  

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