What are the causes of late onset transsexualism?

Let’s summmarise our explanation of late onset transsexualism thus far…

  1. Most humans have an intrinsic block to the idea of changing genders.
  2. Early onset transsexuals, however, for reasons we don’t understand, have no block against gender change. In fact, there is no gender change – they believe from a very early age that they belong to the other gender.
  3. Late onset transsexuals with a history of femephilia do have a block against gender change. They are raised with the sanctity of their cisgender and are soon socialised into accepting it. However – their femephilia and their deeper female self mean that the block to gender change is not solid. It has the potential to be weakened and removed at any point in adulthood.

So, resistance to gender change will never wane with a non-transsexual person – there is a permanent portcullis slammed shut against the idea. The femephiliac, however, has a deeper female self which means that certain life events – both psychological and biological – can raise the portcullis little by little until his deeper female self enters the psyche, transforming from a barely audible whisper to the principle voice in his head.

This implies that all femephiliacs are transsexuals waiting to happen. But of course, that’s not true. The great majority don’t happen… and this is due to three factors: their femephilia is not intense enough to lower the guards…and/or they have been successfully socially conditioned to never consider gender change… and /or they simply have a great life and change is not something they need or want.

So, what are the triggers for late onset transsexualism?

Things that might cause gender change resistance to collapse – or that can make gender change more attractive could be…

  1. Trauma: something happens to them as a male which repels them from wanting to be male.
  2. Testosterone decline: when testosterone declines sufficiently to take the edge of their overt masculinity.
  3. Failure or deep personal crisis: the belief that the person they are has in some way completely failed… therefore creating fertile ground for the creation of a new persona.
  4. Stagnation: a person believes their life is utterly devoid of interest and excitement and being reborn with a female identity becomes the desired solution.
  5. Change in role: divorced, single, some kind of change which means they no longer have to play the male role.
  6. Attraction to men: some femephiliacs don’t just fantasise about faceless men. They do – to differing degrees – find men attractive – and this would further weaken the barriers to transsexualism.
  7. Extremely liberal upbringing: if the crossdreamer was raised in an environment that was free from repression and extremely open, it is likely he would not have been successfully conditioned against gender change.
  8. Increasing independence from social conditioning: as an individual gets older they often become more independent and begin to shape their own world view rather than that shaped by parents and peers and prevailing ideas. The individual can think objectively and starts to question their identity, sexuality and how they view the world. In this new world view there may be a release of repression.

We see, therefore, that late onset transsexualism is like an equation.

Femephiliac sexuality + crossdreamer sensibility + life event triggers + biological triggers.

The point I would like to end with is ‘life-triggers.’ Logic would say that if the transsexualism was triggered by life events… then couldn’t other life events affect it in the other direction? Can’t we lower the portcullis against gender change once more, switching the individual back to a good old fashioned crossdreamer?

This does not seem to be the case.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that once that genie is out of the bottle and the individual both identifies as a woman and wants to change his sex… there is no going back. I don’t mean he will definitely do it, I mean that it will remain a persistent desire for the rest of his life. In other words… it’s not just a passing phase or desire that recedes with time.

For some, it is a desire so powerful they suffer from major trauma if they do not realise it, while for others it is more like a dull ache which they can live with, but that colours their life with sadness. In the rest of our seminar we will explore this desire in detail: How to manage it, how to view it, and how to live with it, starting with the question which all transsexuals ask.

Should I transition?

Start Session 10 and continue exploring your Deeper Female Self…

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This is nothing like the path I and many other late-onset transfolk take. I had no real interest in “femephiliac” tendencies (is that even a real term?), only an earnest lifelong sense of not feeling “right” but not knowing what the problem was until I finally figured it out at age 26. I thought it was just a feminization fetish but I never got any sexual gratification from presenting female, and I had no history of cross-dressing before the point of my transition. But I did have lifelong psychological issues that I never knew were gender-related that began to resolve themselves dramatically with HRT.

I have certainly met inveterate cross-dressers who follow a trajectory like the one you described but they’re seldom successful in their transition. Most of them that I’ve met complain loudly about the physical and psychological effects of HRT for one thing.

Transcend Everything

Thanks very much for your comment, Rose. I think you might be over emphasizing the role cross gender arousal is said to play in this article/video. Yes, it exists… but is certainly not expounded as the cause.

However, I will say that this article is from a book specifically for those who suffer a mid life gender identity crisis with a long history of cross gender arousal. And we make exactly your point… that this can (but not necessarily) mean transition is not the best option.

On the other hand, for my own work in this area, I am very interested to hear from someone who has no history of cross gender arousal. If you don’t mind… could you tell me what your sexual orientation is? And why did you think it was a ‘feminisation fetish’ if there was nothing sexual about it? (or do you use the term ‘fetish’ figuratively. I understand if you don’t want to talk of such things publicly.

Anyway, thanks for your comment…


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