Top 10 verbal comebacks to transphobic comments and insults! (Meeow!!!)

1. Rednecks

Variations on the above: : “Did you do a special course in being ignorant…or did you just pick it up around the trailerpark?”
“Wow…it’s like some law of biology or something: people with small minds always have incredibly big mouths.”
“Has anyone seen any news reports about a village missing their idiot…I think I just found him.”


The best thing to do with transphobic comments is to ignore them and keep on walking: why waste your time on assholes? As Sun Tsu said…

The battle not fought is the battle truly won!

Okay, he didn’t say that…but you know what I mean.

However, sometimes – at the school dining room or the office water cooler – you’re effectively cornered. If you say nothing then you come off as weak…and the comments are likely to continue. Today, therefore, I’d like to give you some comebacks to transphobic insults.


2. Insults re: womanhood

Here we have something a little less highbrow and a little more below the belt. If he insults your womanhood then go for his manhood (Not literally! Fuck it…on second thoughts…rip that thing off and feed it to the pigs! (Ew…did I really just say that?”)


3. I would tell you to go fuck yourself but I’m pretty sure you’d be disappointed.

4. Acting like a dick won’t make yours any bigger.

5. Making them feel bad

Okay, I’ll admit… I wouldn’t hold out long for a transphobe to suddenly feel bad, but somethimes you need a comeback that’s not quite so aggressive.

6. Transphobic responses: not interested in your opinion, beeeeaaaatch!


1. If you’re waiting for me to care, you better pack a lunch. It’s gonna be a while.

7. Know what’s funny? Not you, so shut up!

8. I’m sorry, I didn’t order a glass of your opinion.

9. I’m sorry…I think you mistook me for someone who gives a shit!

And now let’s finish this little tutorial with my personal favorite.

10. Wow…your asshole must get jealous with all the shit that comes out of your mouth!


What is trans-scepticism? A natural reaction to the dogma of trans-fundamentalism

What is trans-scepticism?

Trans-scepticism is the natural reaction of anybody with half a brain to the incoherence and dogma of contemporary transgender theory.

It does not mean that you are transphobic. Personally, I am a trans-sceptic and I would take up arms to defend the trans community, but I’m also not prepared to take any crap from the twitter brigade or the trans thought-police.

In my experience, trans-scepticism involves a fundamental acceptance of transgender people and transgender rights, but a series of doubts about certain ideas that dominate trans theory. For example…

1. A solid rejection of the idea that there are 453 genders (demi-gendered, aporagender, poly gender etc.)

2. Uncertainty about the efficacy of transition as a treatment for gender dysphoria (while accepting the right to transition.)

3. The suspicion that while hormones may be the perfect treatment for some, they may also turn transition into a self fulfilling prophecy.

4. An open mind about the link between crossgender arousal and the desire to transition in individuals with a strong history of erotic crossdressing and sissification fantasies.

5. Conversely, the rejection of attempts to paint individuals with a history of crossgender arousal as ‘not truly trans’ but a bunch of ‘fetishists.’

The attempt to put trans-scepticism on a level with racism or homophobia is utterly misguided. Here’s why…

Homosexuality is a clear cut concept and a biological reality for humans and thousands of other species. There is no complication surrounding its meaning and the act of coming out is straightforward in its format and consequences. Therefore you can not be ‘gay sceptical’

By contrast, even the meaning of the word ‘transgender’ is fiercely debated, has few analogs in nature and the process of coming out may initiate the following.

: Surgical inversion of the genitalia

: Name changes

: Changes in legal status

: Development of secondary sexual characteristics of identified gender

: Multiple Medications

: Complete change of wardrobe, voice, walk etc.

…and many many other actions that affect the individual and their family.

Naturally, because of these changes, there is much more debate around theoretical and medical responses to the transgender condition than there is about homsexuality. This healthy and lively debate means that it is possible to be sceptical about mainstream ideas that dominate trans circles. This makes you a trans-sceptic…not a transphobic.

However, it is important to distinguish between the trans-scepticism of insiders in the trans community (like myself) and outsiders such as Ben shapiro. Pundits like Shapiro make a career of undermining the transgender narrative. Their mission is to troll the trans community (and ‘libtards’) making the public sceptical about transgender people. Given their conservative agenda, it is clear that they are on a transphobic mission.

In this case they are using trans-scepticism as a weapon. For me, however, trans-scepticism is a tool to help me understand the truth about my condition and the best way to cure its conjunct disease: gender dysphoria.


To conclude… a trans-sceptic is not necessarily transphobic, which means that Amanda Jette Knox’s comments on the subject are not correct. Trans-sceptisim is not transphobia repackaged…but a healthy slice of criticism directed at the tenets of contemporary transgender theory.

3 Ways to defeat transphobic trolls from the alt-right

STRATEGY 1. Don’t Feed The Trolls!

You know when you go to the zoo and there’s a sign that says ‘don’t feed the animals’… well, all transgender blogs should come with a banner “Don’t feed the trolls.”

To interact with a troll is to feed him. It encourages him, it excites him, it rewards him.

The species Alt-Right Trollus Americanus may appear on your blog wanting to debate a specific issue, but what they really want to do is to interact and fuck with you. That is their sustenance, their air supply and their reason for being. Therefore, If you ignore them, you cut off their food, oxygen and motivation.

There’s nothing more annoying to a troll than being ignored. It irks them and niggles away at them and fucks their head. So remember, whenever possible…DON’T FEED THE TROLLS. In response, they will increase their vitriol and their hate but you can feel all the more content because it means they’re getting more and more angry at being ignored.

Trust me: the best way to troll a troll is to completely ignore them.

STRATEGY 2. Play With The Trolls.

Just like you, a member of the alt-right has a vision of how to make society better. What differentiates his vision from yours however is that his is fucking dumb. You don’t have to be an economics genius to work out that repressing minorities, retraining business women as housewives, and waging war againts the Chinese, the Muslims and the Jews, is unlikely to bolster our economy and international standing.

You gotta ask yourself, therefore, what sort of a person could believe such stupid policies would lead to a succeseful society? Answer: a stupid person.

The upside of this is that when it comes to dealing with alt-right trolls, their stupidity makes them easy to confuse. Here are some ideas on how to get an alt-right troll scratching his expansive forehead and maxing out his neuron capacity…

  1. Send him a personal message, claiming that you’re infiltrating this pansy liberal subculture for ‘the cause’.
  2. Completely agree with him but with even more vitriol and vigour. “Yeah..these fucking tranny faggots should…”
  3. Reply with stereotypical ‘snowflake’ quotes from the Bhudda, Ghandi or any other hallmark greeting card quote. Everytime he replies with his nonsense just keep on producing quote after quote and never reply with anything other than a quote. This will infutriate him.
  4. Instead of engaging on the issue he wants to engae in: how a trangender woman isn’t really a woman etc …engage on the issue you want to enagge in: why has he got nothing better to do with this life than be a troll? When did he have that eureka moment that Jews wanted to take over the world? What’s his favoutite Nazi militray uniform: the classic grey of the panzergrenadiers or the fetching white skisuits of the Alpine troops? etc.


STRATEGY 3. Train The Trolls

Whatever argument you’re having with a troll has already been had a million times before…and probably by some amazing cultural commentator or writer. Therefore, instead of interacting with the troll yourself, simply put a link to the best article you can find on the issue.

As with the other strategies the fact that you never personally engage with him will infuriate the troll (as will the constant barage of progressive articles and blog posts you invite him to peruse.) An added bonus is that if you choose really good articles – then you may – just once in every ten thousand trolls – manage to expose him to the sort of thinking that changes his mind.

Just remember, make sure you never veer from the strategy: steadfastly refuse to ever respond with your own words but to constantly direct him to a relevant link.

The Broader Strategy

All of the above strategies are underpinned by the one overiding principle of Troll Warfare: Never give them anything of yourself.

  • Never give them your attention.
  • Never give them your emotion.
  • Never give them your ideas.

We have a war to fight…and wasting time on trolls is not an option.

See you next week. xx

The new transphobia – masochistic emasculation theory

The oldest trick in the book for invalidating transwomen is to get them to see that their desire for transition is the result of a fetish. Increasingly, though, with the complete annihilation of theories like autogynephilia and the widespread acceptance of transmen and women in society, such theories are becoming less and less viable. Like all things that face extinction, though, they try to adapt and survive… and as they struggle they become all the more vicious…

…welcome to masochist emasculation theory.

The use of emasculation to emasculate the transgender narrative is fascinating. What it does is… not only tell you that your desire to transition is the result of a fetish – but that, just in case you don’t care whether it’s a fetish or not – that you are mistaken about the fetish: you don’t have a fetish for being a woman….

…but a humiliated sissy of a man.

Therefore, not only do the obvious signs of emasculation betray your true desire (forced femenisation etc) but in fact any attraction to anything feminine. Yes, your desire to dress as a woman, your love of men, your desire for more feminine features… this has nothing to do with being transgender or a fetish for being a woman, but to do with your attraction to anything that symbolizes  the failed man you are. And if you’re transgender and also have this fetish… the transgenderism is caused by a kind of infection… the fetish has leaked into your entire personality.

I will explain in a minute the fallacies that lie at the heart of this idea. First, though, I would like you to be shocked at the hateful nature of denying a transwoman even the offensive notion that she has a paraphiliia for being a woman… and saying she has a fetish for being a humiliated man. This, of all the indignities heaped upon transwomen has to be the most shocking of all time. But that is not all… their followers are so dedicated to reaching transwomen that they have started up dozens of fake reddit accounts to circumvent bans from moderators.

Ok, now we’ve all been suitably shocked… allow me to deconstruct this nonsense and those who pedddle it.

Emasculation theory has the 5 trademarks of all good transphobic theories…

  1. It can not be empirically verified.
  2. It contains at its heart a key truth which can not be refuted because it logically follows from its intrinsic qualities.
  3. There is a token transwoman who believes the nonsense theory and is wheeled out to prove its accepted.
  4. The ‘throw a tranny a bone’ strategy – we think it’s fine to be trans… (although we’ve completely humiliated and invalidated you.)
  5. the ‘I know it’s a bitter pill to swallow but it’s our duty as intellectuals to seek the truth’ justification, for such an abrasive theory.

The lack of empirical proof is brazen. The theory all depends on an emasculation trauma you suffered which causes you to get turned on by emasculation (as a coping strategy.) Very very conveniently, you have probably forgotten what that trauma is because it was in your remote past… and very very conveniently you can’t remember it because it was so traumatic you suppressed it… and very very conveniently the definition of trauma is so broad almost anything counts as trauma. So, whereas Blanchard at least made some vague attempt at verification with his ridiculous willy wiring porn experiments… this theory is based on events that were both suppressed and impossible to remember, and therefore – very very conveniently –

…impossible to deny.

However, I’m much more interested in the second trademark of a transphobic theory – the irrefutable fallacy – because this is the one where most people waste away their valuable time arguing with the clowns who promote such theories. Allow me to explain…

Whenever you explain a fantasy to an emasculation theorist they will say that you are not attracted to the thing or scenario in itself, but only its symbolism as an instrument of your humiliation/emasculation. So, let’s look at some common fantasies.

Fantasy: I like to suck willies.

Emasculation interpretation: no you don’t. You only love the cock as a SYMBOL of you being a humiliated sissy that is only good for sucking cock.

Fantasy: I love wearing lingerie.

Emasculation interpretation: no you don’t. Lingerie is the ultimate SYMBOL of femininity and your having been emasculated into a lingerie wearing sissy.

Fantasy: I want to kiss a boy.

Emasculation interpretation: no you don’t. Girls kiss boys… you only wanna do it because being a girl SYMBOLISES you’ve been humiliated at being a man.

Fantasy: having breasts would really turn me on.

Emasculation interpretation: yes, but only because they would SYMBOLISE you were definitely not a real man.

Now, the more observant of you will have already noticed why this idea is so ridiculous. There is no fantasy a transwoman can have – barr… fucking a midget dressed as a sheep – that can not be interpreted as symbolizing emasculation. A transwoman – by the very fact of being a transwoman – imagines a female body in fantasies, therefore all fantasies (even… fucking the midget dressed as a sheep) are intrinsically emasculated in the sense they involve a departure from masculinity. This is like taking an amputee and saying that he has an amputee fetish because every time he has sex he has an amputated leg. The fact is, of course, he must have sex as an amputee due to his condition. So…

Rule 1 for dealing with masochist emasculation theorists

You will be entirely wasting your time trying find any sexual fantasy that is not emasculated. As long as you somehow see yourself as a woman, or like something feminine, or a man is involved… you are emasculated.

Therefore… when he points out your fantasies are emasculated… you must point out… “I would not describe them as such, but as I’m a transwoman all my fantasies will be, in theory, emasculated.”

This will put him off guard, but then his face will light up…

“Ahhh… so you admit it… Therefore, if the common feature of all your fantasies is emasculation then that is what is driving the fantasies and that is the basis of your sexuality… emasculation.”

And here we come to the heart of the issue: once again we have the same logic and modus operandi as autogynephilia, which is

  • observe transwoman fantasy.
  • choose one common feature of all the fantasies.
  • make it the prime motivation for eveything she does and aspires to.

What these theorists do is take some inherent property of transgender behaviour and invest it with meaning (all transgender women fantasise in the  body of a woman… therefore they have a fetish for being women.) In this case… in all transgender fantasies the women are no longer men… therefore they have an emasculation anxiety. Why can’t these cunts understand something: transwomen fantasise as women…


Observing behavior and interpreting it, is of course what all science is based on. A scientist observes a phenomena, speculates as to its meaning and then conducts an experiment to confirm his interpretation. These charlatan emasculation theorists actively spurn science and choose semiotics.

For those of you that don’t know… semiotics is the interpretation of signs and symbols. What should stand out in that definition is its similarity to the definition of a seer or divinator… an interpreter of signs – and there really is little difference! While researching this article I scoured dozens of forums where this transphobic virus has appeared and saw constant reference to all those wonderful tools of gobbledygook and psychoanalytic drivel…

  • phenomonolgy
  • constructivism
  • semiotics
  • structuralism

This, of course, is one of their main strategies for belittling and wrong-footing the transwoman: bomb her with so much jargon and long words that she doesn’t quite understand what’s being said. This has two effects.. to make the theorist assert his superior intelligence and to make the transwoman feel stupid. After being called out at his inflated language, one such theorist replies…

“You are presupposing that everything is commonsensical, or at least can be transposed into commonsense. It can be the case that what is necessary to understand is the abstract underpinnings of familiar thought.”


Dumb bitch… you’re not clever enough to understand me.

What’s striking, however, in these people’s discourse is their simpleminded emptiness. Having looked at two years of material you see the same five or six sentences repeated ad nauseum… the dogma of low intelligence, and people incapable of either re-articulating ideas or developing them.

Another tactic is to comment bomb a website or forum with hardcore pornography links based on overt emasculation themes. Such pornography can arrive at even the tamest inquiry. Yesterday, for example, Felix asked a theorist to clarify if even vanilla cross gender fantasies are masochist emasculation fantasies. This is what he received… (without the penises being covered up)


The principal goal of this strategy is to immerse you in emasculation and to remind you of any submissive fantasies you have. Therefore, because Felix had asked about vanilla fantasies he was essentially told… there are no vanilla fantasies (and even if there were the fact you are a woman in them is the emasculation part). More than that, it is to keep you disorientated and to interrupt your argument. This is the only strategy they have because there is not one shred of scientific evidence for their theory.

Hold on a minute.. maybe they’re right

The danger for the transwoman is to fall into their trap. For example, maybe when you lived as a man you actually had cuckolding fantasies (though, I’m not sure how this erotic interest is relevant to cross-gender fantasy). Maybe you have/had sissification fantsies. Maybe you like a dominatrix punishing you. These are all… emasculation fantasies.

Yes, but they are also feminization fantasies… for anything that involves the extinction of masculinity confirms that you are feminine. Even the cuckold – in being told he can’t satisfy a woman – is having his femininity affirmed because a woman can not give another women ‘a good rogering.’ Feminisation can be confirmed by both the acquisition of femininity as well as the extinction of masculinity. Furthermore the masochism also comes in autogynephiliac envy… she experiences what her husband can never experience in his biological body.

Another important dimension is that they are all submissive fantasies. All orientations and sexual kinks have submissive variants and the particular ‘semiotics’ – ie. signs and symbols of that submissive kink – will be tailored and relevant to that particular person. Therefore, a submissive crossdreamer will obviously be humiliated in the discourse and symbology of  cross gender themes ie – a lack of masculinity and a surplus of femininity.

The point is that there are many possible interpretations of the behaviour – none of which can be scientifically verified – only argued for on the basis of semiotics and psychobable and ‘an analysis of the fantasies’ (which will of course be analysed from the bias of whoever is analysing them.)

When an emasculation theorist offers to analyse your fantasies it’s a bit like that free personality test Scientologists offer to lure you into their discourse. I think we’d all agree that we had quite enough fantasy analysis from Mister Blanchard. Semiotic analysis of sexual fantasies has the same clinical value for transgender people as analyzing dreams: ZERO! Unless of course, you’re attempting a reparative therapy.

Rule 2 for dealing with emasculation theorists:

  • Before they can infect you… demand the empirical proof of what they are saying. Then, when they say that they can only explain it by semiotics/phenomenology etc… state that you are only interested in theories that can be scientifically proven.
  • They will then try and say  that because of the nature of the mind etc… scientific proof is impossible. Tell them that if no one can prove anything scientifically then it makes no sense to talk about it.
  • They will then try to get you to express your theory. Tell them that the two of you just established that there could be no proof in this area so any discourse would be a waste of time. Goodbye.

Unacceptable behaviour

We all like a good debate… but the problem is that these theorists do not recognize the limitations of semiotics, and treat them as hard fact. Furthermore, they are committed to taking this debate out of their own private spaces –  fetish websites – and actively shoving it in the face of transwomen. They want to make damn sure we know that our decision to risk everything on transition is the result of a fetish….

….for being a failed man.

What I find particularly immoral is that the main proponent of this theory states categorically that he has never wanted to be a woman or experienced dysphoria… simply that he has a sissy fetish. For some, reason… this person thinks that having a sissy fetish gives them a right to analyse and preach to transwomen: DISGUSTING ATTITUDE.

The justification for this harassment is some imagined ‘crossdreamer’ conspiracy to make sissy fetishists transition into transgender women. In reality, though, it is – like all male conflicts – a dick measuring contest between two males. The fetishist leader is jealous of the prestige Molay has in the transgender and crossdreamer community, and the fact that he can not dominate the conversation over cross gender arousal. Every person named in this alleged conspiracy – most of all Felix Conrad (who wrote a whole book on NOT transitioning) – have a strong track record of avoiding dogma with respect to trasngenderism and advising caution with respect to transition.

While Felix seems to get some strange masochistic pleasure in dealing with these people, I can honestly say that, as a transwoman, I have found my experiences to be extremely depressing, negative, and bad for my mental health. Dealing with their constant attempts to comment on this website, their constant bombardment of links and porn, just makes me sad.

Please… leave transgender people the fuck alone!

Why disproving and discrediting the transgender narrative is a Pyrrhic victory

Debunking the transgender myth

As a philosopher and a linguist I find it fascinating some of the statements transgender people make; for example: “I was born male but I identify as female.”

When I hear such words my mind immediatly forms that most basic of human responses ‘Why?’ Because I just don’t get it.

Imagine a snooker table with talking balls. The pink ball starts to tell you that he identifies as a blue ball. You would tell him that this is patently ridiculous because by its very nature – a blue ball is blue, and this ball is pink.

It is equally absurd for a man to claim to be a woman. Or to identify as a woman. The very word ‘identify’ is to note and observe a series of characteristics which allow us to label something as belonging to a category. For example… you see a flying animal and proceed to identify it…

Beak – check
Wings – check
Feathers – check
Flight – check
Object identified as a ‘bird.’

The category ‘female’ has an unambiguous meaning as there is a clear set of characteristics which define this category: these are a series of anatomical, neurological, genetic and hormonal features – unique to women. Think of a mildly gender dysphoric passing through the ‘female’ checklist (not an intersex person).

Vagina – negative
Menstruation – negative
Naturally ocurring oestrogen – negative
Womb – negative
Chromosones – negative
Raised in society as a woman – negative

Even if he tries to say he has female interests there are no such thing as female interests as these are social constructs. Even if he claims to have female qualities… such as empathy, communication and listening skills… a man can develop or be born with such skills. I could go on, but I think it is clear that the biological male has not one characteristic which allows him to identify as female. Thus we can can say his identifying as female has no basis in reason, logic or empirical observation. I have completely debunked the trans myth… it is a narrative of nonsense.

A Pyrrhic victory is a victory that inflicts such a casualties on the victor that it is basically a defeat.

Paradoxically, it is at the point where you reveal the hollowness of a transgender’s claim to womanhood – that you achieve a phyrric victory. By showing that it is completely baseless for a man to believe he is a woman and that it defies all common sense that he believes he is a woman, you have only succeeded in defining the transgender condition. Furthermore, you are pointing out what a serious condition it is and why it needs solid clinical support: while it is glaringly obvious on every definition possible that the man in front of you is a man, and you have demonstrated to him conclusively that he’s a man… he continues to feel like a woman. That shows how deeprooted the condition is. It is a belief that lies at the core of his self and must have some neurological base.

Proving the intangibility of transgender claims also has another unsatisfactory side. This is because you have essentially argued that a man who identifies as a woman is suffering from a delusion (our word for self-identifications which have no basis in reason). You are saying that there is as much sense in the transgender’s identification as there is in a schizophrenic´s claim to be Napoleon Bonaparte. This feels wrong, somehow. Why?

It feels wrong because people who suffer from delusions are normally mad. In most cases, barking mad. Your average trans person, on the other hand, is generally completely normal – apart from their identification with a contrary gender. Secondly, grand delusions such as the belief you are Napoleon bonaparte are extremely rare whereas identification with another gender affects (depending on whose statistics you follow) 1 in 250 of the population.Thirdly, there is a high rate of suicide, depression and addiction amongst transgender people. Even if you could definitively prove that it is a delusion then so what? It still exists. There are still millions of people around the word suffering gender dysphoria and telling them it is all a delusion and that they should go home and get over it will not do anything other than push up the suicide rate amongst those who suffer the delusion. Whatever the cause of the condition the best treatment seems to be transition… so that’s what we have to provide.

There are some, however, who argue that a different narrative for transgenderism – ie. that it is a delusion – not a case of being born in the wrong body – could lead to new forms of therapy that do not require surgery or hormones, and maybe even lower the suicide rate.

Such therapies would help – in humane and unpatronising terms – the transgender person see that their identification is a delusion and therefore to reconnect with their natal sex.

First of all, I can’t be sure, but I suspect such a course of therapy would have about as much success as one designed to persuade gay peope that their sexuality was unnatural and that they should reconnect with the biologically correct and natural form of sexuality: heterosexualism. This is not because I believe transgendersim has anything to do with sexuality – but that a transgender’s sense of gender – however irrational you prove it – is as deep seated as a homosexual’s sexuality and it isn’t going to start moving around because of some clever words.

To conclude, recurring to wordplay and logic and other linguistic devices to discredit or disprove the transgender narrative is really a Pyrric victory… all you’ve done is show just how strong transgender feelings are… and sounded like a cunt in the process.

Am I transphobic if this freaks me out?

I would like to share a video that makes me very uncomfortable.

Here we have a chat show where they are discussing if Jenner should have won the Arthur Ashe courage award. A right wing agitator deliberately refers to another transgender guest as ´sir´. She responds by threatening him… “You cut that out now or you’ll go home in an ambulance.”

I really am interested to know your opinion about this incident. Is Zoe Tur valiantly defending trans-rights or proving that once a man always a man?

What is the appropriate response?