If you don’t understand the intensity of men’s attachment/addiction to porn, it can be humiliating and shocking to discover that your boyfriend is regularly masturbating to Pornhub.
However, there are mitigating and aggravating factors which mean that this habit might be completely harmless on one end or outright harmful on the other. Today we’re going to look at those factors and distill them into 5 reasons why your husband or boyfriend is watching porn.
1. He’s just a healthy, red blooded male.
Men are genetically programmed to spread their seed as far as possible. And to mate with as many women as they can. Even if you are a veritable Goddess, he is still going to lust after your friends, your colleagues, and random women in the street. That’s just the way men are.
A decent man, however, keeps it at that level: lusting after rather than pursuing.
In the case of a decent boyfriend, therefore, porn is fine. It allows him an outlet for imagining having sex with other women, but without actually doing it. So, as long as he’s a good husband and is still providing you with sex, who cares if he goes off to his study and spanks the monkey to some random porn star?
2. He has a fetish or orientation that he has not told you about.
When you discover that your boyfriend is watching porn, it’s helpful to know what type of porn. Why? Because there’s a possibility of a raging fetish that he’s never told you about. In fact, he might even be gay.
If you see a couple of fruity items on his search history (bondage, sissy porn, shemales etc.) don’t think too much of it. It’s common for men to dabble with many types of porn. If however, you see one type of porn repeatedly (and it’s something kinky) then you know that he’s watching this porn because it is a major part of his sexuality. Like everyone, he needs to channel that sexuality.
Please be sensitive if this is the case. Although we live in a liberal society, there are still many prejudices against certain types of sexual behavior.
Here are your five options.
- Accommodate the fetish within your shared sex life.
- Accommodate the fetish by allowing him to continue with his online release.
- Ignore it.
- Forbid him (not recommended.)
- Leave him.
Again, the main issue is whether he’s providing you with the right amount and type of sex that you need. If he is, then there’s a strong argument to leave him be. Conversely, if he’s not providing you with sex… and he’s spending all his time in fetish world – then you might as well just be friends.
3. He isn’t really attracted to you…and never really was.
Sometimes, men fall into relationships for the wrong reasons. They might be drunkards, or desperate, or after some kind of economic gain, or just lazy (they go out with the nearest, easiest option and are just too idle to move on,) or don’t know what they want.
This makes a man the walking dead of your relationship. He’s not truly attracted to you. He’s just there – the way a tree is just there in the park.
In this case, there is an extra dimension to his porn use. He’s seeking the satisfaction and thrill he doesn’t get from you.
If you suspect this is your case, then ask yourself if was there ever a time when the two of you had great, passionate sex? If so, that means he was attracted to you, but has lost interest. That’s a remediable situation.
However, if you guys never really had good sex, and there was never really passion, and now he’s tugging his weener to porn every day, then you know he’s not really attracted to you.
4. He really was attracted to you…but the thrill has gone. Or… he really was attracted to you… but you’re crap in bed!
These two go together because the remedy is the same: you need to pull your finger out…
…and stick it up his bum.
Okay, maybe not that…but you need to start getting more kinky and a bit more technically savvy in the bedroom.
A lifetime of porn means that most men think it’s perfectly normal for a woman to always wear sexy lingerie in the bedroom, and to allow the man to ejaculate all over her face when he’s done. At some point, you will have to porn up your style in the bedroom – or he’ll start spending more time in porn world.
Also, you’ve probably let yourself go a little. When you first met, you had the body, the long glossy hair, the tight dress and the edgy lure of unpredictability. Now, you’ve put on 5 kilos, hair’s short, you’ve got the baggy jumper and the clockwork routine of a working mum. Not surprisingly, he’s not attracted to you the way he was in the past. And it’s mutual!
These are the 10 basic strategies you should consider for re-injecting the thrill – or becoming a better lover.
- Swallowing.
- Allowing him to ejaculate on your face.
- Investing in a wide selection of sexy lingerie/costumes etc.
- Get a boob job.
- Don’t cut your hair short.
- Dress sexily (which basically means a combination of tight, leather, revealing, silk, PVC, or transparent.)
- Wear lots of makeup.
- Buy a strap-on (if he’s into being dominated).
- Allow him to dominate you (if you’re both into that.)
- Learn some key ‘dirty talk’ phrases and learn how to fake it a bit.
5. He’s a selfish little s**t
Number 5 illustrates the nuance you have to exercise when thinking of the question: why is my boyfriend watching porn?
Yes, men watch porn and they always will, so it’s just normal But there are many supplementary behaviors which transform this normal past time into something pernicious. In the case of number 5, there are some men who’re using porn compulsively, not engaging with their partner emotionally and sexually, and they are just behaving in a selfish way. In other words, it forms part of a more general fact about him: he’s not a very good husband/boyfriend and he prefers porn sex than you sex.
For example, if he knows he’s got a big night with you – which includes sex – and he’s in his study jerking off to porn all afternoon, then it’s clear that he won’t come to bed with the gusto he would have.
Now you understand that 98% of men watch porn, you know that the simple fact of watching porn does not necessarily mean anything about how he feels about you. Consequently, you need to dig a little deeper and look at the context for his porn use and the tyoe of porn. And the general rule of thumb is this…
If he’s a good husband and/ providing you with sexual satisfaction – cut him a break. If he’s a bad husband and/or not providing the goods, then serious questions should be asked.
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